
v.5, n.1, 2017

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Constitucionalismo partisano de derecha en el Chile contemporâneo – Fernando Muñoz L.

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Emergência global do conservadorismo político

As múltiplas evidências de uma nova onda política conservadora em todo mundo, seja por meio da competitividade crescente dos partidos de extrema direita seja por modalidades novas de golpes institucionais, têm despertado atenção de analistas e ativistas. A eleição de Donald Trump nos EUA, a consolidação eleitoral de Marine Le Pen na França, o nativismo do UK Independence Party (UKIP) que inspirou o Brexit, a escalada etnocentrista do governo Modi na Índia, xenofobia e chauvinismo de coalizões governamentais na Hungria e Polônia, além do golpe de Estado no Brasil e a derrota de governos de centro-esquerda, como a Argentina, são exemplos conspícuos.

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Constitucionalismo partisano de derecha en el Chile contemporâneo – Fernando Muñoz L.

Constitucionalismo partisano de derecha en el Chile contemporáneo

Fernando Muñoz L.

Resumen: Este artículo propone el concepto de constitucionalismo partisano a fin de comprender la manera en que las instituciones y procedimientos del constitucionalismo moderno son utilizadas en la consecución de objetivos partisanos de corto y largo plazo. Se ilustra este concepto mediante un estudio de estrategias de constitucionalismo partisano empleadas por la derecha en la política chilena contemporánea.

Palabras clave: política constitucional, constitucionalismo partisano, constitucionalismo de derecha, Chile.

DOI – http://dx.doi.org/10.51861/ded.dmds.1.001

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Coups,“smart coups” and elections: Right power strategies in a context of Left hegemony – Barry Cannon

Coups, “smart coups” and elections: Right power strategies in a context of Left hegemony

Barry Cannon

Abstract: Most analyses of Right-wing power strategies in Latin America highlight the relative paucity of dedicated Right-wing political parties, and the preponderance of non-electoral strategies. Despite this such studies continue to privilege the electoral over other strategies. This paper presents a more wide-ranging, comprehensive perspective based on political sociology and political psychology theories. Here strategies are categorised at three levels – electoral, extra-electoral and semi- or extra-constitutional - which can be activated in a multi-layered manner, depending on the level of threat perceived to Right objectives and on conditions on the ground. Using the case study of the removal of Dilma Rousseff from the presidency in Brazil in 2016, the article seeks to illustrate the ultimate aim of achieving a “smart coup”, whereby left governments are forced out of office with relatively little bloodshed and an element of popular and institutional legitimacy. In this way the Latin American Right aims to integrate electoral and non-electoral strategies to the democratic context of Left hegemony in the region.

Keywords: Latin America, Right, Threat, Strategies, Smart Coups

DOI – http://dx.doi.org/10.51861/ded.dmds.1.0013

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O Fascismo no Brasil: o Ovo da Serpente Chocou – Guilherme Simões Reis, Giovanna Soares

O Fascismo no Brasil: o Ovo da Serpente Chocou

Guilherme Simões Reis, Giovanna Soares

Resumo: O ressurgimento do fascismo, juntamente com a ascensão do voto religioso, torna as disputas políticas no Brasil mais complexas do que a clássica clivagem socioeconômica direita x esquerda, predominante até as Jornadas de Junho de 2013. Por meio de discussão teórica sobre o fascismo e da análise de discurso de manifestantes nos atos pró-golpe entre 2013 e 2016, percebe-se um processo de fascistização no seio da sociedade brasileira. A análise do discurso do deputado Jair Bolsonaro indica que ele se credencia como possível líder fascista.

Palavras-chave: Fascismo; Ideologia; Voto religioso; Conservadorismo; Manifestações.

DOI – http://dx.doi.org/10.51861/ded.dmds.1.0015

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Between Opportunism and Limitation: the resurgence of populism and the right-wing populist ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD) – Veith Selk, Jared Sonnicksen

Between Opportunism and Limitation: the resurgence of populism and the right-wing populist ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD)

Veith Selk, Jared Sonnicksen

Abstract: The article provides first an overview of the strands of current research on populism and the German newcomer party, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Building upon this, it will be demonstrated how the AfD constitutes a right-wing populist party, but also how its ideology connects to ideational-historical currents that have been influential in the Federal Republic of Germany. Finally, we elaborate the underlying thesis that the AfD comprises a party that is oriented primarily toward re-adjusting and re-setting borders. Accordingly, the party manages to successfully politicize the cleavage between supporters of more openness and supporters of stronger delimitation.

Keywords: AfD, populism, right-wing populism, political conflict, borders.

DOI – http://dx.doi.org/10.51861/ded.dmds.1.007

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Neo-Liberalism and the Rise of Right-Wing Conservatism in India – Surajit Mazumdar

Political Conservatism in Russia

Maria Snegovaya

Abstract: In this paper I discuss the conservative turn that took place in Russia in the last 15 years comparing it to the recent experience of Hungary and Poland. I show that to a large extent this backlash is of a socioeconomic nature and reflects the people’s frustration with the downsides of the economic liberalization. Moreover, the depth of the original social transformation determined a society’s ability to resist to the conservative trend. In Russia
where the modernization processes were the shallowest, the old political elites could regain power sooner and roll back the society deeper. I also overview different conservative schools of thought in Russia and show Putin manipulated this ideology to strengthen his hold on power.

Keywords: conservatism, right populism, Eurasianism, sovereign democracy.

DOI – http://dx.doi.org/10.51861/ded.dmds.1.0019

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Neo-Liberalism and the Rise of Right-Wing Conservatism in India –  Surajit Mazumdar

Neo-Liberalism and the Rise of Right-Wing Conservatism in India

Surajit Mazumdar

Abstract: This paper assesses the origins and the consequences of the decisive right wing shift in Indian politics ushered in by the 2014 elections. Tracing this to long-term but not linearly developing tendencies in Indian politics, the paper relates these with the distinctive nature and history of capitalist development in India, particularly the sharply polarizing growth and accumulation regime of the neo-liberal era and the crisis it now confronts. Asserting that the electoral success of the Narendra Modi-led BJP was based on it being the political agent of not change but of a reassertion by India’s economic elite, the paper explains the challenge of managing sharply contradictory interests that this places in the path of the consolidation of the new regime.

Keywords: India, Conservatism, Capitalism, Neo-Liberalism, BJP.

DOI – http://dx.doi.org/10.51861/ded.dmds.1.011

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