Conference’s Program

8h30 – 9h00 – Registration
9h00 – 9h30 - Welcome and introduction João Carlos Ferraz (Vice-President, Brazilian Development Bank),
Nilcea Freire (Ford Foundation Representative/Brazi)l
Leonardo Burlamaqui (Program Officer, Ford Foundation)
9h30- 11h15 - Session 1:
The BICs Strategies for Weathering the Crisis
Chair: Leonardo Burlamaqui (Program Officer, Ford Foundation)
Rubens Ricupero (Former Brazil´s Finance Minister)
Jan Kregel (Levy Institute)

Discussant: Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr. (Brazil´s Director to IMF)
11h15 – 11h30 -  Coffee-break
11h30 - 13h15 – Session 2: International Regulatory Reforms so Far: What’s in place and what’s missing?
Chair: Stephan Richter (
Arturo O’Connell (Argentina’s Central Bank)
Kevin Gallagher (Boston University)
Jose Antonio Ocampo (Initiative for Policy Dialogue/Columbia University)

Discussant: Fernando Cardim de Carvalho (Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
13h15 – 14h15 – Keynote speaker
Growth Perspectives for Brazil
Luciano Coutinho (President, Brazilian Development Bank)

14h15 – 15h15 – Lunch, brunch at BNDES
15h15 – 16h45 - Session 3:
Development Strategy: From ECLAC to the Washington Consensus to New Thinking?

Chair: Rogerio Sobreira (Professor, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, MINDS)
Nelson Barbosa (Brazilian Deputy Finance Minister)
Luis Carlos Bresser Pereira (Brazil’s Former Finance Minister, Fundação Getúlio Vargas)
Ricardo Bielschowsky (Director, Brazil ECLAC Office)

Discussant: Jose Antonio Ocampo (Initiative for Policy Dialogue/Columbia University)
16h45 – 17h00 - Coffee-break  
17h00 – 18h30- Session 4:
The BICs Emergence: Institutional Building and New (or Relevant?)  EconomicThinking?
Chair: Moira Paz-Estenssoro (CAF Brazil’s Representative Director, Banco de Desenvolvimento de
América Latina)
Martin Khor (Executive Director, South Center)
Rogério Studart (Brazilian Director to the World Bank)
John Matthews (University of Sydney)

Discussant: Arturo O’Connell (Central Bank of Argentina)
9h00 – 10h45 – Session 5: The BIC’s in the Renewed “Global” Coordinating Bodies: What has happened so far and what should be happening?
Chair: Maria Edileuza Fontenele Reis (Brazil’s Ministry of External Affairs)
Ngaire Woods (Director, Global Economic Governance Program at Oxford University)
Lori Wallack (Director, Public Citizen)
Paulo Nogueira Batista (Brazil´s Director to IMF)

Discussant:  Albert Keidel (Georgetown University)

10h45 – 11h00 – Coffee-break
11h00 – 11h30 
New International Monetary Order: A Systemic Evaluation
Andrew Sheng (China Regulatory Comission)
11h30 – 13h15 - Session 6:
Forging New Thinking (1): Shaping Financial Institutions for Innovation and Development.

Chair: Silvia Marques de Brito e Silva (Central Bank of Brazil)
Glauco Arbix (President, FINEP)
Ernani Torres (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
L. Randall Wray (UMKC and Jerome Levy Institute)

Discussant: Jan Kregel (Jerome Levy Institute)
13h30 - 14h30 - Lunch, brunch at BNDES
14h45 – 16h15- Session 7:
Forging New Thinking (2): Knowledge Governance as Development Strategy: Reasserting the Public Interest in Knowledge Access and Dissemination.

Chair: Ana Célia Castro (Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, MINDS)
Giovanni Dosi (Sant´Anna School of Economics)
Fred Block (University of California, Davis)
Leonardo Burlamaqui (Ford Foundation)

Discussant: Jorge Avila (President, Brazil´s Patent Office)
16h15 – 16h30 – Coffee-break  
16h45 – 18h15 - Session 8:
Forging New Thinking (3): Alternative Teaching Experiences: Brazil, US and  EU
Chair: Luiz Fernando de Paula (Professor, UERJ, President, Brazilian Keynesian Association)
Mario Possas (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Benjamin Coriat (Université de Paris XIII)
L. Randall Wray (UMKC and Jerome Levy Institute)

Discussant: Adriana Amado (ANPEC – Executive Secretary)
9h15 – 11h00 - Session 9:
The Return of the State: Learning From the BRIC’s?

Chair: Anna Jaguaribe (IBRACH, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Linda Weiss (University of Sydney)
Fernando Cardim de Carvalho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
João Carlos Ferraz (Vice-president, Brazilian Development Bank)

Discussant: Fred Block (University of California, Davis)
11h15 – 11h30 -  Coffee-break
11h15 – 13h00 - Session 10:
From Weathering the Crisis to
Re-Building Prosperity: New Policy Perspectives  

Chair:  João Paulo dos Reis Velloso
Albert Keidel (Georgetown University)
Jan Kregel (Jerome Levy Institute)
Stephan Richter (
Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva (Deputy-Governor, Central Bank of Brazil)

General Discussion
13h00 – 13h30
Homage to Professor Antonio Barros de Castro

Luiz Carlos Delorme Prado (President, International Centre Celso Furtado)
13h30 – 14h15 – Closing Remarks
Leonardo Burlamaqui (Ford Foundation)
Francisco Eduardo Pires de Souza (Brazilian Development Bank)

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