
Albert Keidel
Four Dimensions of China’s Economic Success: Policies for a Second-best World

Ernani Teixeira Torres Filho
Lessons from the Crisis: The Experience of the Brazilian Development Bank

Giovanni Dosi
The impact of IPR on the rates and directions of knowledge accumulation

Glauco Arbix
Brazil:institutional building for innovation-based development

João Carlos Ferraz
Reflections about Industrial Policy from a (current) practitioner with (still) traces of academic research on the subject

L. Randall Wray
A Minsky-Schumpeter Approach to Reconstituting Financial Institutions for the Capital Development of the Economy

Leonardo Burlamaqui
Knowledge Governance: A Democratic Development Strategy

Lori Wallach
The BICs in the Renewed “Global” Coordinating Bodies: What has happened so far and what should be happening?

Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva
The Role of Financial Regulation

Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
No foreign finance,please

Martin Khor
Addressing the South’s Challenges in the Global Economy in Crisis

Nelson Barbosa
Brazil’s Development Strategy

Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr.
Principles for IMF Quota Formula Reform

Ricardo Bielschowsky
Three thoughts on Brazilian development strategy

Rogerio Studart
Re-equilibrio impossivel e o papel das economias emergentes

design and development
design and development