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International Workshop: Local Public Goods, Economic Rents and Development – Empirical experiences and analytical approaches to the use of common pool, public goods as development mechanisms – 18 e 19 novembro 2014


International Workshop: Local Public Goods, Economic Rents and Development – Empirical experiences and analytical approaches to the use of common pool, public goods as development mechanisms  –  18 e 19 novembro 2014

LOCAL: Av. Pasteur, 250, Auditório Manoel Maurício (UFRJ)

Session 1: Public Goods and Development (9:00h. – 11:00 h.)

Opening address: Frederico Rocha (UFRJ) and Renato Boschi (INCT/PPED)

Lionello Punzo, Frederico Rocha (UFRJ) and Ana Ruiz (UFF) Opportunities for Rent Generation from Public Goods and Development

Tereza Leopardi (PPED/IE-UFRJ) The means of protecting entitlements


Session 2 The environment: Some Case Studies (11:15 – 13:00 h.)

Carmem Feijo (UFF); Marcio Alvarenga Junior (UFF) Carlos Eduardo Frickman Young (UFRJ) Asset choice as a model to deal with sustainable natural resources exploration

Sérgio Rivero (UFPA), Oriana Almeida (UFPA), Danilo Fernandes (UFPA) Capital accumulation, State and climate change: the  Recent dynamics of deforestation of Amazon, as a model and an experience

Tiziana Cuccia (UNICT): “Inscription to the UNESCO World Heritage List and local development: the case-study of the Baroque cities on Val di Noto (Sicily)


Lunch time 13:00-14:45


Session 3: Common (pool) goods and development (Cultural and Environmental Experiences) (15:00 h.- 17:45 h.)

Roldan Muradian (UFF) "The governance of ecosystem services"

Peter H. May ( CPDA/UFRRJ e PPED/IE-UFRJ)  Management of agrarian reform areas for common forest utilisation in the context of the revisions of the Forest Code

Salvatore Bimonte (UNISI) Happiness and outdoor recreations. Experience or possess of nature?, presented by Lionello

Roberto Cellini (UNICT): “Comparative experiences in naturalistic and heritage UNESCO sites in Italy: the importance of local governance”




Session 5: Rents generation and appropriation (9:30 h. – 11:15 h.)

Paritosh Kasliwal, (California State University) On the new rents economy, from know how resources

Frederico Rocha (IE/UFRJ) Rents from natural resources in domestic economies: petrol and gas

Lionello F. Punzo (UNISI), with Celia Lessa (UFF): Basic income from valorization of local resources


Session 6: Knowledge Creation and Rent Based Activities (11:30 h. – 13:15 h.)

Jorge Brito (UFF) Distribuição regional de capacitações científicas e produtivas  em atividades criativas no Brasil

Marco Antonio Vargas (UFF) Local Cluster and Enotourism in Serra Gaúcha

Martin Puchet Anyul, (UNAM-Fac. Economia), On traditional knowledge, innovation and appropriation/transference (to be confirmed)


Lunch 13:15 h. to 15:00


Session 7: Governance and the Environment  (15:00 h. – 16:45 h.)

Ugo Pagano (UNISI) On the Cost of Institutions

Estela Neves, (PPED/IE-UFRJ) Institutions for Governance

Cynthia Carvalho (UFPE) Strategies for reducing environmental impact while creating shared knowledge in local communities.

Summing-up and next steps (17:00 h.-18:00 h.)

Frederico Rocha, Lionello Punzo and Peter May